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(C) 2012, LatheCity

We appreciate US checks sent in. Please make checks payable to LatheCity and mail to

LatheCity / Uwe Burghaus
4465 47th St S
Fargo, ND 58104

You may e-mail the product numbers to us and check for availability ahead of your order.

Please type your order or write very clearly. For first-time customers, please, allow for a few days to clear the check. Most items are in stock and will ship immediately after your check has cleared. Do not e-mail check or credit card information.

You can send an electronic check via PayPal.

If you are a ND resident then add 8.5% sales TAX. For all other states the small seller exception applies to us, i.e., we don't collect sales TAX. However, there may be sales TAX and/or other TAX requirements for the customer. Contact your TAX advisor. Since we won't collect or remit sales tax (except for ND customers,) remitting the appropriate taxes will be up to the customer.

For international customers, there may be import taxes, broker fees, currency transfer fees, taxes, etc.. It is up to international customers to pay all required taxes.